
Monday, September 20, 2010

Blogging for my son

I've decided to start this blog for my son, Abiel. To document our time together so that when he is older, he can look back and read a "diary" of his life, of my life, of our lives together as a family. He is 2 month old in just a few days (9/27) and already I feel like that time has gone so, so fast....I dont want to forget anything. So, this blog is as much for me as is it for him. Abiel, l love you. I hope one day when you read this you will know how complete loved you are.


  1. wife! i'm so proud of you finally joining the blogosphere! what an amazing gift you're giving abiel! i look forward to the your posts!

    love you!

  2. Abiel this is your Grammy and your Mommy is 100% right, you are loved beyond imagination. I will love reading this Blog she is writing to you and maybe sometimes I can contribute to your understanding of how your Mom got be the beautiful, incredible women she is today and how she is able to so generously share that love she has for you.

    Love your Grammy Loreen
