
Monday, October 18, 2010

Singles ad for mommy friends!

So, I feel kinda lonely sometimes. I dont have too many mommy friends. Let me rephase that...I have a TON of mommy friends but most of them are facebook friends or friends from highschool who don't live near me or friends from message boards like What To Expect When Your Expecting. I only have a handful of mommy friends in the Cincinnati area. I would like Abiel to be able to interact with other children, to have play dates, to have experiences outside of just me and him hanging out by ourselves. So, I'm on the hunt for "real life" mommy friends. Not that my mommy friends from high school or the web aren't wonderful...they are Godsends...but I would really like to interact with people face-to-face who will build into my son and I can build into their children as well.

I've joined some online things for Cincinnati moms. But, it's hard making new friends!! I feel like I'm single again and trying to find a date. I think it is easier to find a date than to find a mommy friend. I'm not kidding. It's also vulnerable because now I dont just have to worry about making a friend to interact w/me...but I'm opening up someone to my son as well. I want to make sure the friend(s) I choose are good people who love their children and would treat my child well.

I will post my experiences as they come...bring on the "mommy friend dates"!!! Sheesh...I do sound like a singles ad :-) "28 year old mommy of 1, seeking same, for playdates, diaper advice, poop stories, long walks in the park and possible recipe exchange. Must be non smoker. Must be able to drive and have no criminal record. Only serious inquires will recieve a response."

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