
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy 3 months old!

Dear Abiel,

Yay! You have made it to 3 months old. I see changes and developments in you everday, you are fascinating to watch.

Some of the things you love right now:

Mirrors. If I was handsome as you are, I'd love to look at myself in the mirror all day too.
You love to "talk". You are like your dad and just won't shut it sometimes. That is ok, I love to listen.
You like your swing and you recently started to like your jumper.
You love to be read to.
You like the nursery at church, so many people to hold you and new toys to play with!
You like staring at 1 thing, for hours. You stared a screw the other day non-stop for an hour!
You love to eat and are a chubby monkey, 16 pounds at 3 months old.
You love cuddles and kisses. You laugh when I try to eat your cheeks or nose.
You love to be tickled and are very ticklish on your tummy.
You absolutely love to suck on your hands. You wont take a binky or a boob, but, man, give you a hand and you are in hog heavan!

Things you don't love so much right now:

Your car seat, we call it the "electric chair" because you hate it.
You aren't the biggest fan of being changed. Sometimes I think you'd rather just sit in your own pile of crap than allow mommy to wipe you clean.
You aren't the happiest camper when you are will wail for a good 2-4 minutes and than bam, you are out like a light.
You dont like clothing that is too are definetly a black man and like to wear looser fitting clothing.
You are still undecided on your projector. Sometimes you love to stare at it, other times you cry and act like the starfish picture on the celeing is the face of the anti-christ.

For the past 3 months all I've done is worry, get no sleep, make a million bottles, change a million diapers, do a million loads of laundry, try to entertain you and get chores/errands done, pull over the car countless times so I can feed you or change you. I wouldn't change a thing. I love every poopy, spit-up-y, burpy, nasty-junk-stuck-in-your-neck-folds-y minute of it. You cuddles are the greastest feeling. You have the best baby smell. Your smile lights up my day. Your laughter is the sweetest sound I've ever heard. You hold my heart in your tiny, chubby palm. I am so happy you are mine and I am yours. Happy 3 months my baby love.


1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful anniversary tribute steph.

    i got teary-eyed.
