
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just a quick update...


Your mom has ADD (please don't have ADD, please don't have ADD, please don't have ADD....) and because I do, I can't get my shit together and post when I need to. So, I will do a short recap of the happenings-as-of-late:

-- Biggest happening: You have MRSA. I even got sent an offical letter from infectious disease control about your MRSA. I dont know if that should go in your baby box or not, probably not. I have to give you special medicine twice daily. Thankfully, you are good about taking your medicine. I hope this gets you better, my sweet boy. I am sorry that you have this, I wish I could take it away and carry it for you.

-- You had your first thanksgiving!!!! You spent it with Caressa and Steve and their 2 children. This time last year (around thanksgiving) we found out that we were we have our own precious butterball to love. Im so thankful for you!

-- You shit on your Aunt Maureen. What is it with you and pooping on people? She kindly helped me out in a pinch and watched you for me one day. And, you returned the favor by crapping on her. :-( Thankfully, she still loves you. And she updated about it. And it was wonderful.

-- You love to put stuff in your mouth. It is so cute, but, so scary. Putting stuffed animals in your mouth = win. Putting sharp crap in your mouth while my back is turned which I am paranoid will happen = anxiety disorder for mommy.

-- You fell off the bed!! I wanted to call CPS on myself when this happened. Thankfully, you are ok. Unfortunately, this is the day we all discovered you could roll multiple times. By rolling off the kind size bed. Yes, you may use this ONE TIME for a get-out-of-jail-free-card. Use it wisely, my son. Use it wisely.

-- We got all your Christmas presents, and wrapped them already!! This is GREAT considering I usually dont get my act together about Xmas until, like, oh, Christmas eve. They are all wrapped and everything. I hope that you like them, eventho I know you have no idea what is going on. It's special for me to do this for you. I can't wait until we get our Christmas tree. We always have real trees. I can't wait for you to look at the lights!

-- You drool on everything, all of the time. You are a drool fool. :-) You are always soaked. I have to change your bib and/or outfit several times a day. Where all this saliva comes from, I have no idea.

-- I love you. I love your laugh. I love your big, chunky thighs and baby rolls. I love the way you stare at me and go "goo". I love your smile. I love your precious eyes when you stare up at me when Im feeding you. I am just so in love with you and I look forward to every, single day with you.

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