
Sunday, December 19, 2010

December Updates!

Hi Babes,

Since your mother has ADD, sometimes I dont post as much as I should. So, I will do a quick round up of things that have happened this month

You spit up into my laptop and broke it. Luckily, Mommy had insurance and got a new laptop for free. So, in a way, thank you for your excess vomit. :-)

You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE plays. We went to a puppet show w/Aunt Maureen at the library and you really like it. Although she did almost throw down. She was greeting you and saying hello and some Wicked Witch of the West started touching her and telling her to be quiet. I heard a loud "DO NOT TOUCH ME" and "I'm going to say hello to my nephew if I want to" among other things. I love that woman.

You also went to Crossroads Christmas play and LOVED IT. A stranger even commented on mesmerized you were and what a good job you were doing sitting still. I turned you away for a scene b/c they had strobe lights and I didn't know what could happen if a baby looked at strobe lights. You didn't care if you had a did everything humanly possible to turn back to the show. Since you like shows so much, Im really going to be on the lookout for more opportunties to take you. I love knowing that something as simple as a play brings you so much joy.

You are spoon feeding now. So far, we have tried sweet potatoes, turkey, applesauce, bannanas, and pears. You LOVE pears the most, followed by applesauce. I'm trying to get you to eat the meat better by mixing it with sweet potatos. You thought that was antrax and spit it out with a vengance. So, we will not be trying that again. Like your mom, you probably have a sweet tooth. You prefer sweets (fruit). So, so far I've given you a sweet tooth and a birthmark. Go Mom.

The other 1 billion parts of your apparance and your personality are your dads!!! Like my friend Mandy said when she met you, "He is scooped from his daddy's butt." You look and act so much like Sam. Both of you are really observant. And, both you look serious...even look mad...when in reality you are just chilling out. Exhibit A: Santa. You met Santa today. And, while most children smile or laugh when sitting on Santa's, my sweet child, look like you want to take someone into a back alley and make them pay. You look like you are in the mafia!! But, you were just hanging out. You weren't were just taking it all in. But when you have the best smile in all the world...just like Sam. I just need both of you to smile when I point a camera in your face!!! Both you and dad act like smiling for the camera is going to give you a disease.

The sweetest memory of the month so far happened yesterday. Your dad always gives money to the salvation army bell ringers. He does this each and every time he sees one. We were at the store and I was checking out. your dad went up the salavation army lady. I was gathering up the packages when I saw him put a dollar into your hand...and he lifted you up so that you could give the dollar to the lady. My eyes filled with tears. What a wonderful daddy you have Abiel, who wants to instill good values into you.

You did breakfast with Santa earlier this month at Frisch's Big Boy. You enjoyed it and we want to make this a family tradition! You got to sit on Santa's lap and you even got to meet Big Boy. I thought you might cry because although Santa was nice, Big Boy looked like he had been rode hard and put away wet. His costume looked like it had seen better days...he had heroin hands...they were all back on the finger tips. However, you reached out for him. I hope this means that you are loving and accepting of others, or it means that you are fearless ....I really hope this does not mean that you have an affinity for things that look like they belong in a trailer park. You did great, my love.

I got a bunch of books that will introduce you to the bible stories. I am so excited to start reading them to you. Mommy got a book for herself too..historical favorite. This will be the first book I have read since you were born!! I mean, a book for fun. All  I do is read text books, I miss reading for fun. I really hope to get back into that and maybe one day we can read books together. Reading is a joy I hope to share with love to be read to, so, I think we are off to a good start!

You are the best gift I could recieve this holiday season. Love you my 4 month ...almost 5 month old boy!

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie I love these posts! What a great idea to do a blog like this, I'm sure Abiel will love reading it when he gets older. My eyes started tearing up when I read the part about Sam holding him up so he could give money to the Salvation Army lady- what a wonderful memory :) Hope you & your family are having a great Christmas season, xoxo - Mari
